Barista See more beans from Quebec Visit Website Jessica coffee beans are a complex blend, offering a delicate balance of fruity and woody notes. Known for its touch of acidity, it provides a nuanced and unique experience to the drinker. Tasting Notes: fruité, boisé Bean Details Espresso Origins: Similar Beans From Quebec Solstice Espresso Bluebarn Coffee Roasters Espresso Trifecta Espresso Bluebarn Coffee Roasters EspressoBlend Olympus espresso Traffic Espresso Dante St. espresso Traffic Espresso Sauvage espresso Traffic EspressoBrazilEthiopia Similar Beans From Other Regions Velvet Hammer (Espresso Blend) Jacked Up Jill Coffee Espresso Glow-Getter (Light Roast) Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoGuatemala Moonsoon Moon | City roast Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoIndia Ursa Majora | Medium/Dark roast Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoColombia Red Door Harrisons Coffee Co Espresso