Jacked Up Jill Coffee See more beans from Manitoba Visit Website The Velvet Hammer (Espresso Blend) is a light, sweet, bright, and thick, rich crema shot developed using washed and natural/dry process coffees to achieve the perfect espresso shot. Tasting Notes: milk chocolate, almond, citrus Bean Details Espresso Origins: Process: blend Similar Beans From Manitoba Glow-Getter (Light Roast) Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoGuatemala Moonsoon Moon | City roast Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoIndia Ursa Majora | Medium/Dark roast Jacked Up Jill Coffee EspressoColombia Red Door Harrisons Coffee Co Espresso GOLDEN CHILD ESPRESSO Little Sister EspressoGujiEthiopia Similar Beans From Other Regions MOONLIGHT Bonavista Coffee Company EspressoCosta RicaBrazil SEASONAL BLEND The Library Specialty Coffee EspressoBlend Equilibrio blend Brazilian Nicaraguan coffee Portfolio Coffee Roasters EspressoBrazilNicaragua Outbound Espresso Propeller Coffee EspressoBlend Café Magique De Mello EspressoBlend