Jumping Bean See more beans from Newfoundland Visit Website Tanzanian Peaberry beans with a medium roast level from the East African region. Altitude ranges from 1400 to 1800 meters. Processed using the washed method. These beans have a peaberry formation. Bean Details Peaberry beans Origin: Tanzania Roast Level: medium Process: washed Similar Beans From Newfoundland Ethiopian Limu Jumping Bean Medium RoastLimuEthiopia Burundi Nemba Bonavista Coffee Company Burundi Rwanda Bikunda Island Bonavista Coffee Company Rwanda Colombia Luis Marino Ortega Bonavista Coffee Company Colombia Newfoundland Screech Jumping Bean Light Roast Similar Beans From Other Regions Tanzania - Peaberry, Single Origin Brown Bag Coffee Roasters Medium RoastTanzaniaSingle OriginPeaberry Tanzania Kilaminjaro The Roasterie TanzaniaPeaberry Analog Espresso Stereo Coffee Roasters Medium RoastBrazilPeaberry Esperança Peaberry, Brazil Prototype BrazilPeaberry SUMATRA GAYO PEABERRY Nusa Coffee Company Medium RoastSumatraIndonesiaSingle OriginPeaberryOrganic